Broadcast Production and Video

David Trimble designed and managed the broadcast, documentary and video projects for all Trimble Racing events. This included working with 60 Minutes Sports, NBC Sports and ESPN on broadcast quality documentaries. 

Each Trimble Racing event had extensive video edits  including sizzle reals, highlight reals, athlete features, onboard footage and clips for press.  

As a consultant for the Six Day Series he coordinated with broadcast teams to integrate video into marketing and social media efforts.

As a consultant for Formula E he was the Zone Manager handling logistics for the TV Compound. 

  • Video project managment

  • Video creative direction and graphics

  • Editing support and consultation

  • Broadcast and live stream project management and budgeting

  • TV compound management

  • Music and audio selection

  • Camera placement

  • Onboard camera managment

  • Video rights negotiations